According to Brendon Burchard, ( this tip is the number one thing we can do to maximize our productivity.
- Do your regular morning routine (getting up, reading, running, yoga, walk the dog tc.)
- Eat a good breakfast
- When you get to work or at home, sit at your desk, take a piece of paper and do the following:
- Draw three horizontal lines across the page
- Top row: This is your PROJECTS row.
- Fill in your top projects at the moment, try to keep it to the top three to five. They might be a mix of work and personal or all work or all personal (if you are not working)
- Write down 3-5 actions under each to get each project moving foward. They are not all actions to be done today… just a list of potential actions to move the projects forward.
- Middle row: This is your PEOPLE row
- Draw a vertical line down the middle of this row: On one side is a list of people you are waiting to hear from and on the other side is a list of people you want to contact
- Fill in the two lists
- Bottom row: This is your PRIORITY row for today
- Write down the 10 things you want to / must get done today.
- Now you can open your EMAIL
- Sort the inbox by FROM
- See if any of the people you are waiting to hear from have replied, if not, follow up.
- Send out the notes to the people you need to want to contact about something (from the middle row above)