Want to use some free tools to help you identify your core values? Here are a few –
- Moral DNA
- Values in action
- http://www.theinsite.org/me/my_way/values_questionnaire_alias.html
- http://www.careersportal.ie/pdfs/ValuesQ.pdf
- http://www.sagepub.com/northouseintro2e/study/resources/questionnaires/89527_11q.pdf
- http://www.morris.umn.edu/services/career/career_planning/valquestion.php
- http://www.123test.com/work-values-test/
If you would like to a bit deeper on the values issue, please contact me and we can discuss how I could support you.
Actually, the tough part here is not defining the values, it is defining behaviours that support the values and then using those behaviours, time after time (that is called integrity – living in alignment with our values)