I have been thinking about writing this note for a long time. However, three recent interactions with some fantastic clients made me think I need to do this now!
Self-doubt, lack of self-love and acceptance to be one of the biggest inhibitors for potential in the people I meet. I have seen it in me, and I see it again and again in great, fantastic managers that I have the honour and privilege to coach. This story hit me between the eyes.. I hope it does something for you too.
You can find similar versions of this Cherokee fable on the internet and you-tube.
The tale of two wolves
A grandfather is sitting with his grandson around a fire one night and grandfather is explaining a lesson for life. He says..
There are two wolves in all of us. One is the evil wolf of self-doubt, greed, anger, jealousy, hate. The other wolf is the good wolf of love, harmony, serenity, peace, virtue.. The two are continually fighting to have control of us.
The grandson, eager to hear the end of the story, ask’s “Grandfather, which one wins?”
Grandfather answers “The one we choose to feed”.
So, my question to you is.. Which one are you feeding?